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ZyrOSS Data Collector for Polycom Products

Collects conference data and outputs usage and rating reports
Supports multiple MCUs and gateways
Generates predefined usage reports
Performs collection and output tasks automatically as scheduled
Supports multiple output formats
Outputs data in easy-to-access format
Supports easy customization of output files
Integrates easily with existing billing and reporting systems
  View product datasheet
New: V2.3 With RMX Support!

Version 2.3 includes a new report, the Disconnection Errors Report that lists conferences and participant with disconnection errors. This version will process the V9 MGC CDR events and will collect the CDR data from the new Polycom RMX platform.

Click Here for a full description of the enhancements in version 2.3.

Instructional Videos!
Insight Systems and Polycom worked together to create instructional videos for ZyrOSS, now available on Polycom Learning Center website. Click Here to view the videos. They begin with an overview of the product and then proceed with detailed instructions on its use.

The ZyrOSS Data Collector automatically collects, interprets and delivers configurable Polycom MCU usage data in a format easily processed by operations support systems (OSS).

Service providers and enterprise accounting departments can use near real-time data to charge for conferencing services based on actual usage data, such as the number of participants or actual minutes used.Operations Departments can ensure the proper accounting of conferencing and billing activities.

Based on customer-defined schedules, the ZyrOSS Data Collector automatically queries the call detail records (CDRs) produced by Polycom MCUs and gateways. ZyrOSS then automatically correlates, assembles, and distributes the usage data in customer-configurable XML or ASCII formats. ZyrOSS offers flexibility by allowing the user to select from a variety of reports or create custom output files to export into existing operation support systems, such as quality and revenue assurance.

Reporting Options
Interactive Conference Viewer — Allows online browsing of conference data and "drilling down" to greater levels of detail.
Conference Summary Report — Lists conferences with reserved and actual start date and duration, remarks, billing code, end cause, type, transfer rate, and number of participants.
Participant Summary Report — Extends the Conference Summary Report with key participant data, such as participant name, transport types, and total connection time.
Conference Rating Report — Lists conferences with calculated prices or costs based on simple rating rules.
Connection Attempts Report — Lists conferences requiring multiple connections by the same participant.
Disconnection Errors Report — Lists conferences and participants with disconnection error.
Participant Conferences Report — Lists conferences by participant name. Most useful when participants are named consistently by end point location or actual user name.
Conference Statistics Report — Lists connections by the same participant cumulative usage reporting by day, week, or month.
Meeting Room Statistics Report — Lists the number of conferences and the actual start time of the most recent conferece for each MGC meeting room conference template.
Time of Day Usage Report — Provides a list of the number of conferences, participants, and ports in active use based on a selected time interval through the day.The report default option is to report each date separately. The report options ''Report Maximum Daily Value' and 'Report Average Daily Value' will report the maximum or average value for each time interval, over multiple days.
Conference Usage Graph — Produces a line graph of the conferences, participants, and connections by day.
Time of Day Usage Graph — Produces a line graph, showing the number of conferences, participants, and port in active use minute-by-minute through the day. If multiple days are selected in the date range, that graph will plot either the maximum or average value for each minute.
All report examples are in PDF format; Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Easy, Browser-Based Interface

Product Specifications

Supported Platforms
Linux x86

Supported MCUs/Software
MGC Product Line
RMX Product Line

Output Options
HTTP Post to Web Server
FTP Transport
Local File Output

Output Formats
Fixed width

Record Set
For information on the record set produced by the ZyrOSS Data Collector, refer to the Synthesized Fields documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I acquire the ZyrOSS Data Collector? Contact your Polycom reseller or sales@zyross.com. You can also download the Collector from this website. The Collector starts in demo mode. In this mode, it discards some of the output data. Once you register the product, however, you can regenerate the missing data.
How many installations will my organization need? Only one installation is required regardless of the number of MCUs, provided that all the MCUs are on the same network. However, each license is configured to support a maximum number of MCUs per your purchase agreement.
What are the minimum installation requirements? Disk space and technology requirements depend on your data needs (e.g., amount of data to be stored, length of time data is to be retained). We typically recommend that you reserve around 1GB hard-disk space for both the Collector software and collected usage data. If you have concerns about installation requirements, contact the ZyrOSS Product Manager.

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